Love can be defined as a deep affection for someone or something. I put out a poll asking my fellow followers if Love was a skill or an emotion. 44% said it was a skill and 56% said it was an emotion. Love is so complex, but one follower said something that was well put it in a great perspective “both”. First an emotion then a skill. You can love someone, but how you define and express it can be equally important especially when loving yourself and others. I believe there are tools needed to acquire knowledge about love. Gaining an understanding will then help thy grasp on one’s ability to truly show love. It’s in the little things you do such as writing an encouraging note, buying your lover their favorite snack just because, spending quality time with your family or friends, and making your friend soup because they aren’t feeling so well. These acts are driven by a feeling of connection between you and them.
Dear Reader,
Is love a skill that can be learned guided by deep affection?