“As a young man who was never like his peers, it was always a struggle for me to fit in and to make friends. Majority Of my teenage years were spent trying to figure out who I was, mentally locked away from everyone and finding solace in my art. It wasn’t until I left my home country a few years ago I realized that fitting in and conforming to norms of society, wasn’t for me. In this day and age you can’t sit around waiting for people to influence you or follow trends, you have to rise and go make them. Be your own vogue to me means being your own muse/ inspiration, not being a photo copy of the person next to you, following your own dreams, taking charge of your own life and riding it until the wheels fall off. For many it’s not that easy acquiring that level of confidence, but it’s something that’s doable and when the person in the mirror becomes your biggest motivator, there will be no limit to your capabilities. ”