BEYOUROWNVOGUE, established in January 2016, founded by Andrew Campbell. BYOV is about Embracing your uniqueness and your self worth. This brand was created to show the world that you can create yourself for yourself. BYOV It is more than just being your own fashion trend its actually getting out there to bring forth the reality. Stop waiting on approval from others. What other people think has nothing to do with you. What matters most is what you think of your self. Why fit in when you were born to stand out! BYOV is space where users are free to express their inner self.
About the Founder/CEO
Andrew Campbell has been blessed with many gifts. Andrew recorded his first gospel album apart of The Campbell Trio in 2015. BEYOUROWNVOGUE was founded by Andrew in 2016. Edition Magazine also founded by Andrew arrived in December of 2016. He published his first collection of poems Sticky Fingers in 2017. Andrew will be graduating in the spring of 2018 with a degree in Radio Television Film. Andrew Founded the Cynthia Ann Foundation in 2019. CAF helps support and fund programs geared to education, natural disasters, and world hunger.
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Andrew Campbell Photographed by @3sevensmedia